Worthy Bonds Review, After 90 Days.

The TLDR; version: My Worthy Bonds Review summary, Worthy Bonds lived up to my expectations in a very short evaluation.  

I am not a financial advisor; I am just sharing with you what I have experienced and what I am doing with my money. You need to make your own decisions on your research, and I hope I inspire you to learn more about passive income generation.

I like them as part of building a diversified passive income portfolio. Worthy Bonds will be a family of passive income generators (PIGs).

Longer Worthy Bond Review.

This review of Worthy Bonds will cover some essential viewpoints for any investor. From return on investment to liquidity, are there people on the other side who can help me if I need it?

Things I Did With Worthy Bonds, A Timeline.

First, I clicked an affiliate link that sent me to the Worthy Bond site, where I could get a “FREE” bond with the purchase of 5 bonds held for three months. I don’t know how long this offer lasts, but here is a link:

Author’s Notice: This page contains affiliate links, for which I may earn a commission by their use.

Worthy Bonds Free Bond Offer

How Do I Buy Worthy Property Bonds?

After creating an account, I first deposited money and bought Worthy Property Bonds. I then added my bank to my Worthy Bonds account.

I bought five bonds at $10 each. As soon as I purchased them, it took a business day or two for a sixth to appear. I hope the ‘free’ bond offer is still good for you.

I later tested moving more money into my Worthy Bonds account. I bought four more Worthy Property Bonds for $100 in bonds, including the free one.

The goal here was to compare Worthy Bonds returns against my T-bill ladder I built with $100 T-bills.  

After Two Months, the First Worthy Bonds Review Was Posted.

I wrote a simple post about my two-month experience with a Worthy Bonds account. You can read more here( Worthy Bonds Review @ 2 Months ), but in summary, I was pleased and look forward to testing their services further.

I Tested Worthy Bond’s Customer Service.

I used the Worthy Bonds contact services to ask when I could withdraw my money and keep my free bond.  

To my surprise, I received a fast response. I was not stonewalled, and I was given information about what date I could withdraw my money and keep my free bond.  

This is amazing. Most investment services I’ve dealt with will try to discourage you from withdrawing money, either by silence to your questions or brutal sales actions to keep your cash put.

Not Worthy Bonds, I heard from someone who answered my question without bias. Good Job!

Three Months Passed, Time For Withdrawal.

It was easy to withdraw my money, and I will answer some quick questions that ran through my head and might run through yours.

How Do I Withdraw From Worthy Bonds?

I clicked on the Redeem Bonds button in my Worthy Bonds dashboard and followed the instructions.

It was easy.

How Do You Cash Out Worthy Bonds?

The money is automatically transferred to your bank account by selling your Worthy Bonds.  

The value of the redeemed bonds, plus all earned interest, was deposited into my bank account.

Can You Withdraw Bonds Anytime?

So, however…

There was a three-month lock-in period for the initial five bonds I bought, each worth $50, to keep the sixth free bond.

Now, I could withdraw my money at any time, but if I didn’t maintain the initial five bonds for that time period, the sixth bond was at risk.

So, the quick answer is yes, you can withdraw the bond anytime. There might be some consequences if you do so too soon. Read the terms and conditions if you got a free bond, or better yet, as I stated, contact them and ask Worthy Bonds directly.

How Long Before I Got My Money From Worthy Bonds?

I redeemed my ten bonds and withdrew the accumulated interest on the 10th of March, 2024. By the way, it’s a Sunday.

I saw in my bank account all the money, $101.72, deposited into my account on the 14th of March 2024. Four days later, on a Thursday, just as they stated(4-6 business days) when I redeemed the bonds.

What Are The Rates For Worthy Bonds?

It’s March 2024, and the advertisement on the Worthy Bonds site states, “Purchase Bonds and Get 7.0% APY!”  

As with all things, this rate, I’m sure, is subject to change. So I’m getting it while it’s hot. 😉

Final Review Of Worthy Bonds?

I’m a customer. Well, as soon as I start buying up more bonds. Are Worthy Bonds A Good Investment Alternative To Outlet Finance? For me, Yes.

With Worthy Bonds, not FDIC insured, I will not put my life savings into them but will move extra cash I find into my budget until, most likely, the rates decline and the stock market becomes less expensive.  

But this will be a discussion later since we have yet to arrive.

Worthy Bonds Free Bond Offer

How Much Can I Invest In Worthy Bonds?

Now, for me, It’s going to be ‘undesignated’ money from my budget that will be parked into Worthy Bonds(My Designated money I’m Parking Money With T-Bill And Chill). Letting the money grow with compounded interest, I still figured out another Passive Income Generator into which I could move the money.  

However, if I wanted to maximize my invested money in Worthy Bonds, they posted on their website that it’s unlimited for accredited investors but only $50,000 through online purchases.    

That’s interesting, but since I’m not an accredited investor, they posted another limit for people like me.

I can invest up to 10% of my annual income or net worth for non-accredited investors.

Tom, Growing His Passive Income Generators.
Myself with an interesting Bull Sculpture.
Notice: No Lambo’s. :/
Hi I’m Tom, A Blogger And A PIG Farmer.

PIG Farmer as in I grow Passive Income Generators(PIG’s).

I’ve been playing with stocks, mutual funds, and options for decades, as well as always working on my side hustle stacks.

Unlike what you read online, I’ve yet to find a way to get rich quickly. Get Rich Quick isn’t happening for me.

My journey has been long and continues. I hope to have so many PIGs I can stop working at my current job and volunteer as a medical worker overseas. 

Still waiting, but getting there. I still am a family man, and while on this Journey of Growing PIGs.  

I wanted to share my adventures(ups and downs), hoping you will contribute with your feedback and comments.

Fun Fact: In my spare time, I am a Band-Dad!

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