The simple answer is NO. Worthy Bonds are not FDIC insured per their website.
But don’t stop there; there are many questions I, too, had when I was looking at Are Worthy Bonds A Good Investment Alternative To Outlet Finance, for my ‘spare’ cash.
Let me share the thoughts and questions I had going through my mind while researching Worthy Bonds and whether I should feel safe investing in them.
These are my findings and understanding of many questions you and I have had.
What Is FDIC?
In my financial layperson’s mind:
FDIC stands for “Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation,” its role is to protect depositors by protecting their money from catastrophic financial events such as bank failures.
Their words:
The FDIC provides deposit insurance to protect your money in the event of a bank failure. Your deposits are automatically insured to at least $250,000 at each FDIC-insured bank.
Per FDIC Website
Now you know what FDIC is, I bet you asked yourself another question.
Does FDIC Apply To Worthy Bonds?
Worthy Bonds is not a bank; their bonds are investments, so FDIC doesn’t even apply to their services.
I bet your mind is still turning, which is good; doing due diligence for all your investment needs is wise and required.
Are Worthy Bonds Insured?
From my findings, No.
From the literature, Worthy Bonds has lending practices that make sense, and borrowers must have collateral to secure the loan.
Are Worthy Bonds Government Backed?
Again, a No.
This was tricky; in some of your riskiest and most expensive systems in the US, real estate, health care, education, etc., the government has some way of over-complicating things while offering some ‘security’ to the end user.
Worthy Bonds revolve around Real Estate and investing, so you figure the government was in the mix, but it doesn’t seem so. So…
Worthy Bonds are not government-backed.
How Secure Are Worthy Bonds?
This is where a level of ‘trust’ comes in. So far, I’ve been reading the literature on their website and the rare posts I find online from other Worthy Property Bond owners.
I’ve found nothing negative about Worthy Bonds so far. If you have something different to say, please leave a comment.
I could be wrong; I have used BlockFi in the past(currently, still, since my money is trapped). I even looked into Celsius for additional Crypto Yield Farming(but they too are on hard times), so some would say I could be a better judge investment character.
However, I’ve not found any complaints about Worthy Bonds that scare me off.
Have Worthy Bonds Ever Defaulted?
I’ve found no public information about any defaults, and with today’s Reddit-type forums, such information would spread like wildfire.
So, Is Worthy Bond Investments Legit?
I think so, and I’m putting my money where my mouth is.
Yes, talking the talk, but also walking the walk.
Worthy Bonds’ offer returns outweigh the risk of giving my money to someone else. I understand more risk and more return; however, I don’t take unnecessary risks.
So I’m an investor in Worthy Bonds. Please continue following this blog; I’ll update you on my latest test(Current 2 Month Worthy Bonds Review).
Author’s Notice: This page contains affiliate links, for which I may earn a commission by their use.
You are getting a Free Bond From Worthy Bonds. If you use my link, you can get a free bond, too, and so can I, a win-win situation.
Earn A Free Bond!
If you want to wait, sure do. As I said, I’ll post a few more times about my experiences testing the services offered at Worthy Bonds.
Myself with an interesting Bull Sculpture. Notice: No Lambo’s. :/ | Hi I’m Tom, A Blogger And A PIG Farmer. PIG Farmer as in I grow Passive Income Generators(PIG’s). I’ve been playing with stocks, mutual funds, and options for decades, as well as always working on my side hustle stacks. Unlike what you read online, I’ve yet to find a way to get rich quickly. Get Rich Quick isn’t happening for me. My journey has been long and continues. I hope to have so many PIGs I can stop working at my current job and volunteer as a medical worker overseas. Still waiting, but getting there. I still am a family man, and while on this Journey of Growing PIGs. I wanted to share my adventures(ups and downs), hoping you will contribute with your feedback and comments. Fun Fact: In my spare time, I am a Band-Dad! |