What Is A LEAP Option? – FAQ

A Leap Option, or LEAP, is short for Long-Term Equity Anticipated Securities, publicly traded options with expiration dates longer than one year.

Are LEAP Options Different From Regular Options?

A LEAP option is still an option with an expiration date beyond a year from its creation.

Now, let’s delve into the details. A LEAP option shares many characteristics with a regular option, such as its type (CALL or PUT), Strike Price, and Expiration Date. The only significant difference is that the expiration date of a LEAP option is more than one year from when the option contract was created.

Further Reading: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/leaps.asp

Tom, Growing His Passive Income Generators.
Myself with an interesting Bull Sculpture.
Notice: No Lambo’s. :/
Hi I’m Tom, A Blogger And A PIG Farmer.

PIG Farmer as in I grow Passive Income Generators(PIG’s).

I’ve been playing with stocks, mutual funds, and options for decades, as well as always working on my side hustle stacks.

Unlike what you read online, I’ve yet to find a way to get rich quickly. Get Rich Quick isn’t happening for me.

My journey has been long and continues. I hope to have so many PIGs I can stop working at my current job and volunteer as a medical worker overseas. 

Still waiting, but getting there. I still am a family man, and while on this Journey of Growing PIGs.  

I wanted to share my adventures(ups and downs), hoping you will contribute with your feedback and comments.

Fun Fact: In my spare time, I am a Band-Dad!

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