How I Track Stock Dividends In My M1 Finance Portfolio.

Now there is only one way to measure success by taking measurements. If I want to grow something, I have to track where it was, is, and plan where it will be. With my latest project, a weekly dividend stock portfolio, I want to track possible changing dividend yields and anticipate dividend payments to measure how well I’m doing.

My goal is to create a steady income stream by building a portfolio of good dividend stocks that pay weekly.

To measure my dividend performance, I had to find a dividend tracker.  

What I Wanted In A Dividend Tracker.

1.- The Dividend Tracker Has To Be Online.

No dividend spreadsheets and I want something I can see easily from my cellphone or desktop. Due to my teaching nature and wanting to help everyone out of the rat race, pulling up a browser-based dividend app gives me total accessibility.

2.- The Dividend Tracker Has To Be Sharable.

It is possible to take the time to explain what I’m doing if I can share how I’m doing with you guys.  

I am looking for a dividend tracker. I can create a link and post it on this blog, and then you can give me feedback on how I’m doing.

3.- It Has To Be A Free Dividend Tracker.

I don’t particularly appreciate paying small fees here and there; they add up and slow the progress of getting rich with growing passive income generators.

How can I expect you guys to be interested in entering a dialog with me about our journey to wealth if I say, “oh yeah, there is a fee.”

4.- The Dividend Tracker Needs To Have A Dividend Calendar.

The portfolio’s explicit goal is to have dividends deposited and reinvested every week. Still, from week to week, month to month, maybe even quarter to quarter, the number of dividends differs depending on what stocks are paying in that period.  

With a calendar, I can fine-tune the collection of stocks to try and even out the flow of income and set up the stock portfolio to replace my current income from my job.

If you don’t plan, you can’t do it; if you don’t, you fail.

5.- The Dividend Tracker Needs To Track More Than One Portfolio.

I have several portfolios for retirement and a couple for ‘before’ retirement portfolios. The weekly dividend stock portfolio I’m building now with M1 is not a retirement portfolio.

I have a couple of these non-retirement portfolios, so I would like to have one dividend tracker to track all my non-retirement portfolios. Then I can compare my hands-off dividend portfolios to this new one I’m building, which is very hands-on.

6.- The Dividend Tracker Needs To Work Well With M1 Fiance.

Either it can be directly connected to M1 Fiance and pull in the data, or the dividend tracker must import data in the same format M1 Finance exports it.

7.- Stop Using The Dividend Tracker Won’t Burn Bridges.

In the past, I tried out software, the free version, attached it to one email and service as an experiment, and later returned to it my second time trying it out wasn’t free. I burned my one free trial messing around instead of what I wanted to use that service for.

So the dividend tracker should not be a one-and-done trial program. 

8.- No Big Tech Free Dividend Trackers.

This condition means I will not be using the stock portfolio services of Google or Yahoo. 

Too many Google and Yahoo in my life; let me see if I can track this portfolio without including more big tech. They already know what I’m doing, trying to show some independence here.

So, What Are The Best Free Dividend Trackers?

A quick web search gave me this list:

A couple right off the bat is not candidates.

Robinhood, I have an account but will not be affiliated/associated with this dividend portfolio.

Personal Capital is a full-featured finance suite that, its features, would be wasted setting up a PC account for this dividend portfolio.

Etc, Etc.

Note, if you research many of these free dividend trackers and others, there are so many features, but if you narrow yourself down to just the ‘free’ features, many of the dividend trackers are the same.

However, I found one that is stupid-easy for just tracking the stocks, their value, my diversity, individual yields, and total portfolio yield. That free dividend tracker is “Track Your Dividends.”

Now the ‘Track Your Dividends‘ site covers much of my above wishes, but I want to point out some specific features that will help me track the progress of my dividend portfolio.

Dividend Tracker Features:

  1. Multiple portfolio accounts, with each having its holdings.
  2. Excellent holdings list with real-time prices in each portfolio.
  3. Ability to group up dividend yield returns, also yield by price.
  4. Ability to import and export data in various formats, including spreadsheets.
  5. A future dividends calendar.
  6. A diversification tool that shows information simply as a pie chart.
  7. Etc.

This Track Your Dividends website looks like an excellent tool for evaluating the growth of this portfolio.

Once I get the stocks exported from M1 Finance, I will find something I want to do for us all. Share my portfolio information so we can have discussions about whether I’m doing this right or whether we can all grow with our passive income generators too.

Tools like this will help develop a dialog together.

The Future Of This Free Dividend Tracker

After I get the dividend tracker setup, I will try to figure out a way to include a link at the bottom of all posts accosted with this portfolio, so you get real-time information with me.

Be on the lookout, and don’t wait to leave feedback or comment below. Appreciate your time.

Thank you,

Weekly Dividend Stock Portfolio Note:

I’ve been working on creating this weekly dividend portfolio(started in December 2021) all through 2022, and into 2023. I’ve added and trimmed away stocks, and ETFs, which allowed me to create one of my favorite investment portfolios.

Follow along with how I put this together, and let’s evaluate how I’m doing with my choices.

For real time stock portfolio setup on my M1 account: Passive Income Generator Weekly Income Dividends Portfolio.

Tom, Growing His Passive Income Generators.
Myself with an interesting Bull Sculpture.
Notice: No Lambo’s. :/
Hi I’m Tom, A Blogger And A PIG Farmer.

PIG Farmer as in I grow Passive Income Generators(PIG’s).

I’ve been playing with stocks, mutual funds, and options for decades, as well as always working on my side hustle stacks.

Unlike what you read online, I’ve yet to find a way to get rich quickly. Get Rich Quick isn’t happening for me.

My journey has been long and continues. I hope to have so many PIGs I can stop working at my current job and volunteer as a medical worker overseas. 

Still waiting, but getting there. I still am a family man, and while on this Journey of Growing PIGs.  

I wanted to share my adventures(ups and downs), hoping you will contribute with your feedback and comments.

Fun Fact: In my spare time, I am a Band-Dad!

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