Learn About Passive Income With YT: Let’s Talk Money!

Too often hear people complain about not being taught financial education in school. Well, today is the best time to be alive. People are giving away knowledge that others almost claim is secret information held only by the elites.

This excuse might be true at one time. Still, books, radio shows, podcasts, and YouTube have made accessing information more accessible. Let’s cover some sources of information I use to learn about and keep up to date about dividend stocks as passive income generators.

Here is a YouTube channel I follow and want to discuss briefly.


How To Learn About Passive Income With “Let’s Talk Money.”

So, “Let’s Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA” is a YouTube channel where Joseph Hogue sets a goal for one of his videos and walks you through it from start to finish. Not just how-to, but why. Or, how you can do this “insert topic here” can do it yourself.

Joseph Hogue, CFA, has reached many people from his channel numbers(1/3/2023) of 582,000 subscribers and over 34 million views. I am one.

Some of his topics are right up my alley, from creating a hands-off approach to saving for the future to issues I don’t care about, i.e., learning about stocks that give weekly dividends.

The truth is, even if the topic doesn’t interest me or meet my desired passive income goals, I often watch his videos since some of his explanations of financial fundamentals can be applied to other plans of mine.

Real Quick Review Of CFA And What This Means.

I have several letters after my name, professional license, and certifications. Still, I have to say “CFA” wasn’t known until about a decade ago.

What Is A Chartered Financial Analyst(CFA)?

Chartered Financial Analyst.

It is a professional designation awarded to a recognized person for completing the necessary work to establish membership and agreeing to the rules of membership of this professional organization, CFA Institute.

Read More: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chartered_Financial_Analyst

So, is Joseph Hogue a CFA?

Please check the CFA directory: https://directory.cfainstitute.org/profile/9DAF6E97D9CF9107D11D43BD47F42CE41D250137?event=memberDirectoryProfileView

So enough about titles and backgrounds, is Mr. Hogue’s channel’s information relevant for establishing passive income generators (P.I.G.s)?

Let’s Talk Money! – Pros.

Cosmetic Points:

The creator dedicates a lot of time to his channel, with attractive thumbnails and topics.

Interesting how Mr. Hogue has created an image of himself and his followers as bow tie wearers. He always wears a bow tie and refers to his views as the “Bow Tie Nation.” Or, just “Nation” as short.

Delivery Points:

The channel creator always seems excited to deliver the video’s topic, almost like he’s excited to share a secret. Making it easier to feel like you want to continue watching his videos till the end. This will help you stay interested during periods of drier numbers and calculations the creator discusses.

Substance Points:

The channel’s creator does his homework, using tools that so, as a view, you can take the time to confirm the information and perform your due diligence before acting on information Mr. Hogue shares.

Let’s Talk Money! – Cons:

This is where I get to bash the great Mr. Hogue and his channel.

His videos can be long but have say with good reason. For the amount of information, he wants to share with the viewer.

This leads to the next “Con”; the information is so vast and rich that sometimes Mr. Hogue tries to shorten as much of his video as possible by breaking through some of his research and analysis explanation.

This brief and rapid information coverage is only some of the time. However, when he does, I have to understand he is dealing with a video platform audience gravitating to more short-content videos.

My Conclusion of “Let’s Talk Money!”

I have been watching Mr. Hogue for years, and he’s entertaining with his topics and some b-roll he uses. But the real value in his channel comes through because he shares the same goal I have in creating a passive income-generating stream of resources.

Mr. Hogue has several videos that have been the foundation of some of my dividend stock portfolios.

Also, it was Mr. Hogue’s videos on blogs that pushed me over the edge of retrying to create online written content I gave up over a decade ago.

Here are some of the “Let’s Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA” videos I plan to discuss further in the future, and it might be beneficial if you take the time to watch them.

Thank you for your time, and I hope we can share ideas about how to create passive income generators by you leaving a comment or some feedback.

Thank you!

Recommended Videos:

Latest video of an older one I used to create a stock portfolio I can watch weekly dividends get deposited.
Side hustles aren’t passive income, but side hustles can feed a passive income generator start-up.
This video made me restart creating online content. I do wish I was making his money, but not there, yet.

Am I Part Of Joseph Hogue’s Bow-Tie Nation?

I’ve been a subscriber of Joseph Hogue’s Let’s Talk Money YouTube Channel for a long time. I’ve yet to use any of Mr. Hogue’s paid services.

By investing my time into learning, I’ve made great returns using Mr. Hodge’s shared knowledge to guide my investment steps.

What I’ve Have Bought Based On A Let’s Talk Money Video.

I’ve said I’ve never paid for any of Mr. Hogue’s information, but I’ve bought a service in the past based on a series of his videos.

I was on the fence about getting back into blogging/niche sites, and after watching the above video, I decided to restart my journey to making money online with blogs. So, I did sign up with BlueHost.

Now, I’m no longer with BlueHost, but their low cost did help me dive back into niche sites. Their blogging service is cheap.

Disclosure: I’m no longer with BlueHost for my hosting needs.

I’m sharing this information with you since I didn’t just invest my time with Mr. Hogue’s information; I’ve invested my money in some stock and ETF picks and my time trying to build a passive income stream from blogging.

Tom, Growing His Passive Income Generators.
Myself with an interesting Bull Sculpture.
Notice: No Lambo’s. :/
Hi I’m Tom, A Blogger And A PIG Farmer.

PIG Farmer as in I grow Passive Income Generators(PIG’s).

I’ve been playing with stocks, mutual funds, and options for decades, as well as always working on my side hustle stacks.

Unlike what you read online, I’ve yet to find a way to get rich quickly. Get Rich Quick isn’t happening for me.

My journey has been long and continues. I hope to have so many PIGs I can stop working at my current job and volunteer as a medical worker overseas. 

Still waiting, but getting there. I still am a family man, and while on this Journey of Growing PIGs.  

I wanted to share my adventures(ups and downs), hoping you will contribute with your feedback and comments.

Fun Fact: In my spare time, I am a Band-Dad!

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