One way I train my mind for the long game is by listening to podcasts, audio books, and radio stations about finance and, more importantly, passive income generation.
I’ve listened to this audio book a couple of times and find it helps keep me focused, and I’ll explain why later. Let’s look at the following:
Dividend Growth Machine: How to Supercharge Your Investment Returns with Dividend Stocks
Nathan Winklepleck, CFA, has reached many people from his books(audio in this case) and his YouTube channel (I will review his YouTube channel later).
Real Quick Review Of CFA And What This Means.
I have several letters after my name, professional license, and certifications. Still, I have to say “CFA” wasn’t known until about a decade ago.
What Is A CFA?
Chartered Financial Analyst.
It is a professional designation awarded to a recognized person for completing the necessary work to establish membership and agreeing to the rules of membership of this professional organization, CFA Institute.
Read More:
So, is Nathan Winklepleck a CFA?
Please check the CFA directory:
So enough about titles and backgrounds, is Mr. Winklepleck’s audio book’s information relevant for establishing passive income generators (P.I.G.s)?
Concerned About A Third-Party Certification?
I wanted to touch on this issue before proceeding. I was given advice to follow for the rest of my life, and it has worked for me.
I should only take advice from people in positions I want to be in.
Meaning I shouldn’t be taking financial advice from my broke family member. I should be taking financial advice from financial experts.
So, this author wrote a book, which might be a good source of information on how to write a book, but also that the author has done his work to be recognized by third-party financial institutions as an expert.
As you read or listen to his book, you will find that he might not be the entertaining type of person full of energy screaming his head off, yelling, ‘buy, buy, buy!‘ or ‘sell, sell, sell!‘ on camera.
But the information he shares with his insight into dividend investing is nonetheless valuable.
I want to learn from a person like this.
Summary Of Mr. Winklepleck’s Book.
Mr. Winklepleck goes over the importance of investing in stocks with a dividend-focused approach.
I only want to give away a little. Still, suppose a company is generating revenues and sharing that revenue with the investors in the form of dividends. That company should be secure to hold on to for a long time while you collect passive income.
With a properly positioned dividend-orient stock portfolio, you can grow your portfolio by investing in those stocks and re-investing the dividends into those stocks.
Growing your dividend stock portfolio as a passive income generator (PIGs). My favorite Passive Income Generator is my dividend portfolio.
Check out more about Mr. Winklepleck’s book here, in print and audio formats:
Author’s Notice: This page contains affiliate links, for which I may earn a commission by their use. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Click: Dividend Growth Machine Book/Audiobook.
Dividend Growth Machine Pros:
-Cut and Dry-
Mr. Winklepleck’s is cut and dry in his book. He uses track records and history, pointing out the importance of focusing on dividend stocks, regardless of the direction of how the general stock market is moving.
-Book Is Short-
The book is short, and Mr. Winklepleck points out how quick of a read(or listen) it is right in the beginning. Spending a very little time reading/listening to his book can result in one of the best financial returns in your life.
Dividend Growth Machine Cons:
It’s dry. One half of cut and dry, but still dry. Being direct to the point and not beating around the bush; provides the pertinent information required to obtain your passive income goal.
The book is almost a letdown. I’ve been playing with stocks, mutual funds, commodities, and options for a long time. Could I’ve done better? Yes, I have room to improve. However, listening to Mr. Winklepleck made my efforts sound too much for the overall stock returns I’ve received.
My Conclusion Of: Dividend Growth Machine.
I like the book; I’ve listened to it more than once in the car. And here are the reasons.
I am sometimes distracted and go chasing after shiny objects, shiny-object syndrome, and Mr. Winklepleck’s book sets you straight. A Keep It Simple Stock-buyer (K.I.S.S) approach. His book has realigned my mindset that I am in this for the long-game dividend stocks, which will get me to my goal over the long run, even in down markets. Another Passive Income Generator(PIGs).
-Great Advice For Others-
When people ask what to do with extra money trying to invest in the future, I reply the best investment is getting this book or audiobook. Mr. Winklepleck is right; the return on such a short period is impressive. After someone reads this book, then we carry our conversation forward.
-Rude Awakening For This Passive Income Investor-
As I stated before, much of what I’ve done regarding investing for my retirement was too much work compared to the game plan Mr. Winklepleck lays out in his book.
In my defense, most of my retirement savings have been 401k/403k, and my investment choices in the plans were limited. So I just targeted index fund options that lined up with the S&P500. Often that was not only the best choice but the only stock choice.
Have to admit now, with leaving jobs; I’ve pulled out my old IRAs, 401ks, and 403b’s into a rollover account with Fidelity. With Fidelity, I’ve managed to focus on dividend-generating investments(for another post, but I like a specific ETF). The market has ‘crashed,’ and when I look at the 2022 returns for S&P500, I see down double digits, while my dividend-focused investments are mostly broken even, with a few doing very well.
I am awake now and will continue to focus on dividend-generating stocks. When I lose focus, I plan to re-listen to Dividend Growth Machine: How to Supercharge Your Investment Returns with Dividend Stocks, By Nathan Winklepleck, CFA.
Thank you,
Dividend Growth Machine: How to Supercharge Your Investment Returns with Dividend Stocks.
Myself with an interesting Bull Sculpture. Notice: No Lambo’s. :/ | Hi I’m Tom, A Blogger And A PIG Farmer. PIG Farmer as in I grow Passive Income Generators(PIG’s). I’ve been playing with stocks, mutual funds, and options for decades, as well as always working on my side hustle stacks. Unlike what you read online, I’ve yet to find a way to get rich quickly. Get Rich Quick isn’t happening for me. My journey has been long and continues. I hope to have so many PIGs I can stop working at my current job and volunteer as a medical worker overseas. Still waiting, but getting there. I still am a family man, and while on this Journey of Growing PIGs. I wanted to share my adventures(ups and downs), hoping you will contribute with your feedback and comments. Fun Fact: In my spare time, I am a Band-Dad! |