One of the biggest hang-ups with side hustles is time management. Focusing on a side hustle efficiently is often the result of meeting several goals effectively.
Being able to side hustle efficiently is a symptom of a well-managed work and personal life, which is weird since I try to address goals head-on, not as a secondary goal.
When you work a straight 40-hour-a-week job with a regular schedule, adding a source of income through a side hustle is tough. So learning how to side hustle efficiently is a major hurdle, and side Hustle Scheduling can help.
Problems Making Side Hustle Efficiently Worse.
1.- Your Primary Job’s Scheduled Days/Hours Keep Moving.
A big hurdle for me is my main jobs in the past moved around from week to week. My current job works certain days this week, which then move to another set of days next week, and then the following week, they change again.
I have to pay bills, but not at the cost of interfering with events already on my calendar.
This jumping around work schedule is the point of working per diem at several jobs, while my Wife worked full-time at one job that gave our family benefits. Having the flexibility to work around her work schedule and school events was a big plus.
However, a constantly changing schedule and different workplace locations can interfere with your side hustle goals.
Scheduling my side hustles around my primary job is a problem. FYI, your primary job is your primary hustle.
2.- Having Your Side Hustles Hours Constantly Moving.
In one of my past side hustles, a Per Diem job, the days and hours moved too.
Being a Per Diem job, I only filled shifts with scheduled vacancies. “Filling the holes,” we called it.
A constantly moving(hours, days, and locations) primary work schedule, designed to move around a spouse’s full-time work schedule and school events, cascades a little chaos down to the side hustles and personal time.
With these constantly moving tasks, side hustles are at the low end of the list of priorities.
3.- Side Hustle Stacking.
Even with a fixed primary work schedule, it can be challenging to do your scheduling when Side Hustle Stacking.
Side hustles are ‘extra’ hours you work, so being extra, there are hopes that the return on those side hustles is only sometimes needed, which leads to working too much and wanting to take time off for personal issues.
Side hustles view their workers as temporary (as needed). Side hustle projects are often seen as time vampires.
So, side hustle stacking consumes a lot of personal time, and scheduling time around medical appointments, education, and relaxation is complicated.
How I Side Hustle Efficiently.
1.- I use an online calendar to share with my employers and family.
Having a calendar that others can see when you are available for events minimizes being asked to do things you can’t do but stress you out being asked in the first place.
I use Google Calendar since most people can install the Google Calendar app on their phone and import your work schedule.
I have to shout out about having an online calendar like Google’s calendar; many people in my family have Google accounts.
We are an Android family. Yes, please leave hate comments, and a perk for us: created calendar events can be shared with other Google calendars.
So, my family has my work schedule, and they can see what days I have available for their activities. This calendar event-sharing feature has saved much time with texting and playing phone tags at work.
2.- Prioritize Time Both Your Work Time and Personal Time.
My primary job, my main hustle, takes priority over my side hustles. It provides benefits like health care and educational reimbursements, so it’s the emphasis.
I import my primary job schedule on my online calendar. Then you can prevent double scheduling yourself with side hustles or personal appointments.
As mentioned earlier, I share my work schedule events with my family, and they can plan activities, like doctor appointments and dinners, about my schedule.
Priotir4zing your work and personal time will keep you busy and minimize conflicts.
I feel too busy to do anything when I need to do too many things simultaneously.
My side hustle fell to the side hard, family time became stressed, and I had no choice with my main hustle. I have to pay bills and eat.
I like eating.
3.- Establish Your Goals(Primary, Secondary, etc.).
Why are you working so much? My reasoning was to pay bills.
Well, it took me some time to realize bills never stop. I couldn’t work forever, so I picked jobs that paid the most to focus some of my side hustle time on getting ahead.
I worked on college degree(s), Vo-Tech classes, small business creations, etc. Something that had a future, rather than my body working too much.
You can side hustle efficiently if you get the most from your primary and side hustles.
I once had my side hustle, a part-time job, become my main hustle because the side hustle got my foot in the door, and I was offered a job that paid more and had better hours.
With the new primary hustle, I took my last past full-time job and made it a side hustle. The old job paid me a wage and benefits, but I got a larger salary when I went Per Diem. Mo’Money!
My Side Hustle Juggling Experiences.
These are examples of doing side hustles efficiently, which revolve around managing a schedule, getting the most from your time, and keeping your options open by being flexible.
With an established, shared schedule, the family can help support you by understanding your limited time. They might even appreciate your time off more due to how little it is. Good luck.
Thank you for your time, and man, I too often needed to work more efficiently with my side hustles, which came at the cost of my family’s peace. I pray this doesn’t happen to you while working on getting ahead in life.
Related Side Hustle Reads:
- Side Hustles Are Not Passive Income Generators (PIGs)?
- Side Hustles For Feeding Passive Income Generators(PIGs)?
- Side Hustle Stacking Worth It?
Myself with an interesting Bull Sculpture. Notice: No Lambo’s. :/ | Hi I’m Tom, A Blogger And A PIG Farmer. PIG Farmer as in I grow Passive Income Generators(PIG’s). I’ve been playing with stocks, mutual funds, and options for decades, as well as always working on my side hustle stacks. Unlike what you read online, I’ve yet to find a way to get rich quickly. Get Rich Quick isn’t happening for me. My journey has been long and continues. I hope to have so many PIGs I can stop working at my current job and volunteer as a medical worker overseas. Still waiting, but getting there. I still am a family man, and while on this Journey of Growing PIGs. I wanted to share my adventures(ups and downs), hoping you will contribute with your feedback and comments. Fun Fact: In my spare time, I am a Band-Dad! |