Contact Us – My Growing PIGs Blog

Life Is A Team Sport.

If you have feedback or comments, please reach out to me. I look forward to reading your emails.

We love feedback, and love to exchange ideas.

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My Personal Request:

I am always looking forward to feedback from my readers and like-minded people. Like Warren Buffett said:

If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work till you die.

Warren Buffett

I’ve been hunting and gathering investment information for decades. Often, meeting up with people, sharing ideas, and always remembering the first word to personal finance is personal.

What works for one person might not work for another. However, we are limited by our knowledge and experiences, and getting together to share what we learned in the personal financial world has paid off for me.

I am interested in learning from other passive income investors and am looking for investment groups near me. I want to focus on local real estate investment groups near me, but any investment group would do.

I am not interested in professional services, Crypto Pooling, or getting rich overnight groups/financial ideas. Still, I am an honest, hard-working person who wants to sit down and share financial experiences and work towards F.I.R.E. or is already F.I.R.E.

I hope to venture into angel investment ideas with time, so even angel investment groups near me would be welcome.

So, if you want to talk about financial ideas and share wins and losses while networking with a fellow F.I.R.E-minded person, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.

Tom, Growing His Passive Income Generators.
Myself with an interesting Bull Sculpture.
Notice: No Lambo’s. :/
Hi I’m Tom, A Blogger And A PIG Farmer.

PIG Farmer as in I grow Passive Income Generators(PIG’s).

I’ve been playing with stocks, mutual funds, and options for decades, as well as always working on my side hustle stacks.

Unlike what you read online, I’ve yet to find a way to get rich quickly. Get Rich Quick isn’t happening for me.

My journey has been long and continues. I hope to have so many PIGs I can stop working at my current job and volunteer as a medical worker overseas. 

Still waiting, but getting there. I still am a family man, and while on this Journey of Growing PIGs.  

I wanted to share my adventures(ups and downs), hoping you will contribute with your feedback and comments.

Fun Fact: In my spare time, I am a Band-Dad!