Cash Earning High Interest On Robinhood (Not Gold and No Fees).

Now, sometimes, I want to park my uninvested money in Robinhood. While parked, I know I earn interest, but often, I get those Robinhood Gold account advertisements. I want my cash earning high interest on Robinhood. Still, I want to refrain from signing up for Robinhood Gold or paying extra fees. What Exactly Does It … Read more

My Worthy Bonds Review (2 Months).

My Worthy Property Bonds Dashboard, 2 months Worthy Bonds Review with my balance.

Now, sure, you aren’t expecting much with this Worthy Bonds Review after only two months, but what is essential about this amount of time is it’s just before three months.   Yes, challenging math here, but I signed up with an affiliate link to Worthy Bonds and got a free bond with the purchase of just … Read more

How Do T-bills Make Money For Me?

Thinking about Money, Ideas to make more money.

I’ve been trying to earn as much money as possible with parked money. Even money standing still should be working for me. So I found myself playing with T-Bill Ladders, and unlike regular securities, T-bills are different. They are actually zero-coupon bonds, causing me to ask how do T-bills make money for me. So far … Read more

Schwab SCHD To 4 Week T-Bill Ladder And Chill Progress.

Turning keys over to simpler way to invest money, more passive and less headache.

Now, I’ve covered much of what my plans park my money(T-Bill Ladder and Chill), with this ‘over-priced’ stock market, and all the economic indicators(including the bond market) suggest there will be a burst. Now, down to executing moving money out of Charles Schwab from my SCHD dividends and parking the money into a 4-week t-bill … Read more

Parking Money With T-Bill And Chill.

Relaxing, not worrying about invested money or passive income generation.

In an earlier post, I covered why I am parking my current and future investment funds, many from dividends into T-Bills. Now, I plan to lightly go over my steps to wait out this stock market with my T-bill and chill strategy. Parking All Money In T-bills? No. For my tax-sheltered and tax-deferred retirement accounts, … Read more

In Which Situation Would A Savings Account Be The Best Investment To Earn Interest?

Saving money should be secure, like your own personal piggy bank.

Like all investment decisions and planning, risk tolerance is the most significant factor in making investment decisions.  Also, it’s good to know right away, in which situation would a savings account be the best investment to earn interest? Based on your risk tolerance, in what situation would a savings account be the best investment to … Read more

4-Week T-Bill Ladder For Weekly Income Strategy. (My First Test!)

Financial growth includes small steps forward while being cautious of falls.

Now, you are a F.I.R.E.-Type seeking financial independence like myself. In that case, we always try to calculate the best way to make a great return on our investments while preparing for emergencies like building our emergency fund. Growing Passive Income Generators (PIGs) through 4-week T-bill ladder for weekly income. I’ve kept almost all my … Read more

Is Outlet Finance Savings Account Legit? Yes, But It Is Gone. :(

Thinking about money.

First, I’ve covered my Outlet Finance Savings Account in the past( What Is Yield Farming In Cryptocurrency? ), and it was a crucial part growing passive income generators through high yield investments. I earned high yields on my money deposited with Outlet Fiance. It remained in cash, like a regular savings account. It yielded more … Read more