After you finally pick your blog niche and blogging subject, you have to give your site a domain, a Unversal Resource Locator(“URL”), that people can remember, and quickly type into their browser.
Making an easy domain name to remember creates the ability for people to visit your blog will make getting traffic as passive as possible.
Remember, in step 2( Blogging For Passive Income, Step 2: Need A Blogging Niche, A Blog Topic. ), we came up with a blogging niche to focus on. The blog domain name doesn’t have to be so specific. This domain naming allows for future growth if the future blog growth is related to the blog niche.
Have You Come Up With A Blog Domain Name Yet?
Let’s be sure you are not making any common blogger mistakes in picking a blog domain name.
It’s not too often I read statements like this: I picked a blogging domain name that matched my niche. Now I want to grow my site, but the blog domain is specific to my niche; what do I do?
Well, no need to answer this question since you’ll pick a blogging domain name that will grow with you.
First, What Is A Blog Domain Name?
Simply put, it’s what people type into their browsers to visit your site.
It’s saved on browser bookmarks when users want to return to your blog.
It’s also called a ‘web address.’
An example, this blog’s domain name is
I hope this helps. You can read more about it on the technical level here on Wikipedia: about Universal Resource Locator.
Blogging Domain Name.Com, .Net, or Else?
This choice can be a complex question to pick the correct Top Level Domain(TLD), but for simplicity and recognition, let’s only pick one to focus on.
You will have heard of Dot Com many times if you’ve not been under a rock in the last 30 years. Dot Com Bubble. Dot Com Industry. [insert yo mamma slam] Dot Com.
Now there are other better know top-level domains than the “.com” is.
So to avoid having to come up with too many choices and getting into writer’s block, go with the .com blogging domain name format.
How To Pick A Blog Domain Name.
This can be as simple as possible or as complex.
First, let’s address the complex blog domain names you want related to your intended blogging niche idea.
Some Blog Domain Name Ideas.
Picking a website domain can be tricky, so let me give you some idea of how to choose one. These domain names are for example purposes and might not be available, but if so, and if the domain name fits, get it.
If you need to rethink about your blog niche: Blogging For Passive Income, Step 2: A Blogging Niche.
Let’s say your blog is about Growing Indoor House Plants you grow in your apartment.
Now might sound fantastic, and it does, but once you fill up all the ideas for plants in the apartment house plant niche, can you expand into larger house plants? Sure, you can, but you will be ‘stuck’ with a domain-specific to apartments.
You can focus on your apartment blogging niche but pick a domain you can grow into. Example:
Now you can express your authority as a house plant expert, focusing initially on your apartment space. Still, once that runs out, you can expand into full-size house areas, maybe commercial plant care.
The point is to pick a blog domain name that properly represents your blogging niche and blog subject but allows you to expand with time.
Some Blog Domain Name Examples.
A blog niche is house training huskies, then a domain name like might be specific enough for your blog niche but broad enough to grow.
The blog niche is DIY wireless home security; how about a domain like
Blog niche about container gardening, about a domain like
Just some blog domain ideas related to some blog niche ideas. I’m sure you get the hint.
Blog Domain Name Generators?
A blog domain name generator is just a regular domain name generator you use for your blog.
There are a few domain name generators I found. Still, truthfully they sometimes use a thesaurus approach to your domain niche words and present domain options.
You can use them. The best source idea for your blog domain name is you. It’s a name you will have to live with, and at this point, you spent so much time deciding on a blog niche you should have more expertise than an AI bot.
These were the more challenging blog domain name idea creation steps; let’s move to a simple blog domain solution.
Your Own Personal Name Blog Domain Name Idea.
Yes, people use their name and slap .com at the end and call it a day.
If you have a common name like John Smith, something other than this might work for you, but if you have a unique name like Neil Patel (, it can work for you.
Easy peasy, your parents picked your domain name birth, and clearly, they were geniuses, so go with it.
Should You Have Your Blog Domain Name Be Your Name?
Now nothing is as brand-able as your name—examples: Santa Clause, Warren Buffet, Jimmy Buffet, Jim Crammer, etc.
When you hear those names, you know who they are, so when you see:,,, Or, there isn’t much room to believe those domain names don’t belong to well-known individuals.
Will naming your blog domain name after your name make a difference?
Yes, in the above example, it’s brandable. There is little confusion, and some people might even give a level of trust since you put your name on your site.
Does a personal domain name fit?
Well have registered domain names that revolved around my name, and since those sites were specific to me, they did fit.
Is your blog revolving around you? Your ideas? Your life? Your advice? Your professional image?
Then it’s a great match. Your homework is done.
When is a personal domain name wrong?
Well, when it doesn’t fit. If I had and wrote about racehorses, there would be a better match. I picked a domain that is more suitable for a person, but this cases me and doesn’t match my blogging topic.
Also, another issue some new bloggers need to consider is if they want to sell their site.
For example, you created a domain name after your name. Then you wrote a great site about your cooking business, books, videos, etc. Then you want to sell the brand.
Do you want to sell your domain name too? Your products are one thing; having your name on your products is another. But selling a domain name that can be later reused for another idea could be complicated.
You are so wrapped up in the website that maybe no one wants it, so you might not get many interested buyers.
So think about it, if the blog is about you(life, skills, advice, etc.). You can’t imagine selling your site and wanting your site so attached to your image. Then a personal domain name might be your option.
Just think this out first. You can create non-personal blog domain names and then create a domain name later and link to your blogs as an online resume of work—just an idea.
Blog Domain Name Checker
When you come up with blog domain names, you should search for their availability.
How To Do A Blog Domain Name Search.
I usually search the domain registrar sites I plan to use to register the domain URL later.
Domain registration is the next step, but I can share some domain registrars I use. They are good places to search for your blog domain name’s availability.
Two Domain Registrar I Use For Blog Domain Name Searches:
Are You Done With choosing A Blog Domain Name?
Sleep on it! Do no register it, or move on to Blogging For Passive Income, Step 4.
Get at least one night’s sleep before you commit yourself.
I hate reading online when someone develops a great blog, generates a ton of content, and then feels pigeonholed by the domain name they picked for their blog.
Can you sidestep to another blog domain name? Yes.
However, it requires work, and you might lose blog traffic from search engine results.
Can you expand your new content into another, more extensive blog? Sure.
You can even create several focused blogs rather than try to expand into some giant jack-of-all-trades blog. This all might be part of your plan but sleep on it.
Back To Main Blogging Steps List: How Do I Create A Side Hustle Blog
Next Step: Register Your Blog’s Domain Name.
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Step 2: Picking A Blogging Niche, A Blog Topic. | Step 4: Register Your Blog’s Domain Name. |
Your Blogging Feedback
I’m always learning, and creating this blob with a section about creating blogs for passive income helps me reinforce what worked for me and open myself to additional ideas.
If you have any feedback about creating blogs, registering domains, or just creating an online passive income source, please leave a comment. I appreciate it.
Thank you,
Myself with an interesting Bull Sculpture. Notice: No Lambo’s. :/ | Hi I’m Tom, A Blogger And A PIG Farmer. PIG Farmer as in I grow Passive Income Generators(PIG’s). I’ve been playing with stocks, mutual funds, and options for decades, as well as always working on my side hustle stacks. Unlike what you read online, I’ve yet to find a way to get rich quickly. Get Rich Quick isn’t happening for me. My journey has been long and continues. I hope to have so many PIGs I can stop working at my current job and volunteer as a medical worker overseas. Still waiting, but getting there. I still am a family man, and while on this Journey of Growing PIGs. I wanted to share my adventures(ups and downs), hoping you will contribute with your feedback and comments. Fun Fact: In my spare time, I am a Band-Dad! |