Blogging For Passive Income, Step 7: Create Your Blog Content.

When it comes to creating your first content for your new blog, it could be more exciting.  

There is content you created for the reader, search engines, content you probably already figured out and wanted to focus on, and new blog house set-up content. Blog content you might not be looking forward to creating.

The good thing about creating this new blog content is it’s usually created once and only needs a little updating as we advance. 

Let’s Talk New Blog Site Set-up Content.

Things you need one by one. Also, remember, not a blog expert or a lawyer. Just content I add to my blog before I start writing posts.

A Blog’s Terms and Conditions.

A simple way to explain to your readers what they are getting and agreeing to when they visit your blog. Simple terms, how to take your content, as expert opinions, or just for educational purposes.

A simple terms and conditions generator satisfies my needs, and I use this free site:

A Blog’s Privacy Policy.

If you collect information about your readers, even anonymously, it’s recommended to have a privacy policy. This way, your blog visitors understand how their data is used.

Visitors can add their information to our site in many ways, using a contact form, making comments on your blog posts, and even some user-generated content through blog creation.  

When you specifically allow blog readers to submit information, it’s common sense to post a privacy policy, but what if you don’t allow users to submit information?

Well, information is still collected by the site. For example, analytics or website logs typically collect anonymous information about your visitors. Now any web surfer knows this, but how did they initially learn about it? Through a website’s privacy policy.

So I created a free privacy policy through this site:

A Contact Form.

As mentioned in the previous step( Create and Customize Your Blog Software Settings. ), I use a WordPress plugin that collects user information(name, message, etc.), and that plugin allows that information to be sent to my email address.

Having a contact form allows users to communicate with you, offer suggestions, inform you about broken sections of your site, or even say thank you.  

I do get lots of thank you messages with one of my other blogs.

Also, having a contact form allows your visitor to see you are a professional blogger who wants to stay in contact with your visitors. So get a contact form set up.

A Blog’s Site Map

In the past, it was challenging to set up a site map; you had to choose if you wanted to use another plugin, go with your SEO plugin, or even create a sitemap from scratch.

As a default, WordPress now creates site maps for you. Usually found as a page wp-sitemap.xml at the end of your home directory, accessible like this:

Note, if you see a redirect, it’s because I am using an SEO Plugin to create and tune my sitemap to focus on posts and pages and not attachments like photos.  

This way, the search engine bots can crawl my site faster for information that is important to my readers and my posts.

If you don’t see your default WordPress sitemap, I’ve found if you go to your WordPress dashboard, click “settings” and then “permalinks,” followed by pressing save. No changes are necessary; WordPress creates a new XML-based site map. Try this and tell me if it works for you.

First Blog Contents.

Now I’m sure by now you are surprised by how many pages or posts you just made to cover creating these pages:

  • Terms and Conditions Page
  • Privacy Policy
  • Contact Form
  • Site Map

And you still need to post your first real blog post. Well, let’s get down to the basics.

In the beginning, keep this again simple.  

What Are You Going To Write About?

Believe it or not, you need more time to be ready for your first blog post. You will write some blog content, but this is not about your topic but about yourself and your blog.

An About Me Page

Yes, let the world know who you are. Like a very personal resume of yourself to the readers, who are you? What education do you have related to the blog’s topic? If you have experience writing and writing blogs, share that information.

You are building trust with your readers. Once you get a reader for your blog, the content and confidence will help that reader to return later for more information.  

Keep it a basic introduction for now; later, you can add and adjust it.

Please remember to post a photo of yourself, showing you are a real person committed to blogging.

An About This Blog Page

Now that you introduced yourself via the About Me Page, you can present this blog through the About This Blog Page. 

Keep it again simple, imagine a reader came by and wondered what this blog was about, what your goal was, and where you see your blog in a year or so.  

Is this blog associated with a topic with professional standards, and will you meet those in the blog? Or is it a free-speech blog that doesn’t want to be limited by third-party rules?  

Again, be creative and tell the reader why they are on your blog and why they should return.

Yay! Basic Blog Content Creation Seems Done!

Wow, by now, you have created:

  • Terms and Conditions Page
  • Privacy Page
  • Contact Form
  • Site Map
  • About Me Page
  • About This Blog Page

Have yet to create your first blog post, and including the home page, you now have seven pages to your blog.

Writing the Blog Posts, You Wanted To Write.

You have an idea, opinions, knowledge, or even stories you want to share with the world, or you wouldn’t have thought about creating a blog.  

Or, you are just in this for just the MONEY? Put to the side, any thought of getting rich might come later but will only go if you get blog traffic.

Traffic to your website is how you will ultimately turn your blog into a passive income generator. We will talk about ways to promote your blog later, but let’s focus on what you can do now on your blog, where you have 100% of your control.

Ask, Why Would People Want To Visit Your Blog? 

My two blogs revolve around what I have done or am doing and sharing the results with my readers. In topics, people are interested in learning about.

Let’s break this down into simple, most common types of blogs and why people visit them. These are my observations and opinions, and what works for you, you go for it!

1.- Lifestyle Blogs.

What is a Lifestyle Blog? 

My understanding is a blog where the author shares information about themselves. Personal interests and life events in their daily lives. Usually, these blog focus on a person or a role they perform, like a celebrity’s life or being a Mom to boys.

What Should You Write About In A Lifestyle Blog?

Well, write about what you want to focus on.  

If you are an online personality, write about yourself. What are people interested in learning about you, and write about that.

If you are a parent, write about being a parent, and focus on sharing things other parents would want to learn about.

2.- Food Blog

What Is A Food Blog?

A food blog is an online platform for sharing information bout food and what about food, well seems dominated by recipes. After recent lock-downs, people were staying home, and some were interested in cooking meals for themselves and their families, and food blogs were sources of cooking tips and food recipes they were looking for.

What Should You Write About In A Food Blog?

Write about home recipes you use to keep yourself and your family well-fed. Share your favorite cooking tips. How to save money while shopping and preparing healthy meals? Food Blogs are very popular both for their creators and their readers.

3.- How To Blogs

What Is A How-To Blog?

A how-to blog is a blog dedicated to creating a list of instructions walking a person through a task. These tasks can be installing shelves, mowing the lawn, cutting own hair, or even how to grow passive income generators online.

What Should You Write About In A How-To Blog?

Well, figure out what you are knowledgeable about, find a problem, and explain how to fix that problem.  

Shelving needs are a problem, so write about buying, planning, and installing shelving.  

Changing the oil on cars is more of a challenge today with internal oil filters, creating a step-by-step guide on changing a specific make and model of a car’s oil.

Now we can go on and on about what to write about, but by now, you should have a hint of what you want to write about. Up to this step, you figured you were in for the long haul( Do You Want To? ), you picked a topic( Need A Blogging Niche, A Blog Topic. ), Selected and registered a domain( A Blog Domain Name & Register Your Blog’s Domain Name ), and finished setting up your blog information in WordPress ( Create and Customize Your Blog Software Settings. ).

You are the best expert on what you want to share with the world—just one piece of advice. 

In marketing and advertisement, people don’t lead with how something is excellent, but they first identify a problem, talk about it, and then offer a solution.

You can do this with your blog. Say you have a lifestyle blog about saving money.  

Lead with identifying needs a parent has, limitations such as finances, accentuate why the problem is terrible, and then offer your solution in detail on how to save money by cutting coupons, getting a financial planner, or finding ways to buy direct.

Build a better mouse trap. 😀

Write a couple of posts, just get used to the WordPress application, and we will proceed; I will talk about tools I use to overcome my writing problems, such as using Grammarly.

Later I will cover in more detail how to plan, write and tune posts to meet the needs of your readers and help with on-page search engine optimization. This post is getting long, and these ten steps( How Do I Create A Side Hustle Blog? ) were meant to get you moving, and moving is how you gain experience, and you will learn through experience.

Back To Main Blogging Steps List: How Do I Create A Side Hustle Blog.

Next Step: Monetize Your Blog For Passive Income.

Previous Blogging StepNext Blogging Step
Step 6: Your Blog Software Settings.Step 8: Make Money With Your Blog.

Your Building Blog Content Feedback

Please, if you have suggestions, advice, or feedback, leave a comment. We are all here to help one another.

Tom, Growing His Passive Income Generators.
Myself with an interesting Bull Sculpture.
Notice: No Lambo’s. :/
Hi I’m Tom, A Blogger And A PIG Farmer.

PIG Farmer as in I grow Passive Income Generators(PIG’s).

I’ve been playing with stocks, mutual funds, and options for decades, as well as always working on my side hustle stacks.

Unlike what you read online, I’ve yet to find a way to get rich quickly. Get Rich Quick isn’t happening for me.

My journey has been long and continues. I hope to have so many PIGs I can stop working at my current job and volunteer as a medical worker overseas. 

Still waiting, but getting there. I still am a family man, and while on this Journey of Growing PIGs.  

I wanted to share my adventures(ups and downs), hoping you will contribute with your feedback and comments.

Fun Fact: In my spare time, I am a Band-Dad!

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