Emergency Fund In An 8-Week T-Bill Ladder, My Thoughts.

I decided not to directly jump into 13-week T-Bills due to concerns about liquidity in time of losing my job or worse. But I still wanted the passive income of building a T-Bill Ladder for my 6-month Emergency Fund.

Idea For Building An 8-Week T-Bill Ladder Instead.

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I’m reading “I Will Teach You to Be Rich: No Guilt. No Excuses. Just a 6-Week Program That Works” by Ramit Sethi; I listened to a book on Audible and also read “A Beginner’s Guide to Short Term Trading: Maximize Your Profits in 3 Days to 3 Weeks” by Toni Turner, and the standard message is fear is the mind-killer.  

They didn’t say it that way, but I also recently finished “Dune” by Frank Herbert. That mantra is repeated repeatedly: Fear Is The Mind-Killer.

Let me get to the point. I am experimenting with building t-bill ladders, a new way to invest my 6-month Emergency Fund(Step #3 of FPU‘s Baby Steps).  

My first experiment, still in progress, is creating a 4-week T-Bill ladder to test out money withdrawals, interested accusations, maturity distributions, and later re-investment events, all on Treasury Direct.

I set up the 4-week T-bill ladder, and recently, I bought my first 4-week T-bill. I saw the money come out of my checking account, SoFi.com.

Feeling empowered, I want to move all my six-month Emergency funds into T-Bills since they offer higher rates than my High Yield Savings Account (HYSA). Also, remember the immunity from State and Local Income taxes T-Bills offers. Consult your tax advisor for maximum understanding.

But….. The Fear Point……?????

Fear Traps Us.

The fear point. I was going to invest almost all my Emergency Fund into 13-week T-Bills, with only the initial $1,000 immediately available( In Which Situation Would A Savings Account Be The Best Investment To Earn Interest? ). This lack of immediate funds scared me.

I could stagger my investments, preventing any period without access to my unmatured T-Bills for up to two weeks, but again, I would have to survive on just $1,000 till then.

So, I figured out a way to use my Fear and my desire to turn my Emergency Fund into a more fruitful passive income generator (PIG) by using the flexibility of maturity dates in my favor.

Follow along; I think I found a solution till I can stomach tying up so much of my emergency money in securities.

What I Did Today With Latest T-Bill Ladder Experiment.

The 4-week t-bill ladder experiment continues, and I will update you later about it. I have little skin in the game; 4 x $100 T-Bills for $400 committed to that experience.

Doing T-Bill money experiments.

Today, I separated my whole emergency fund into separate parts and invested in T-Bills with a large portion.

My Emergency Fund Separation:

  • $1,000 of (FPU Baby Step #1) remaining in my checking/savings bank account.
  • Balance of 2 months of monthly expenses left in my HYSA.
  • The remainder (4 months of expenses) of my Emergency Fund is being invested into T-Bills.

FYI, About My Funds/Savings Accounts.

I calculated my monthly expenses on a Monthly-Expense Worksheet, which included only necessary expenses to hold me over between jobs if I should become unemployed.  

The role of this 6-month Emergency fund.  

I have other funds that I save for scheduled items like car maintenance, house repair items, and holidays. But these non-emergency funds are tucked away in a HYSA.

Different Maturity Date Options.

I use Treasury Direct, https://www.TreasuryDirect.Gov,. I have no middle person and no concerns about my money being withdrawn early or not being fully invested—a later topic.

There are different maturity dates with T-Bills, T-Notes, and T-Bonds. I want my Emergency Fund to work hard and passively and remain available. Without having to go to a secondary market, another later topic.

So, I opted for T-Bills since their maturity periods are measured in weeks and are only up to one year.

What T-Bill Ladder I Built.

Wanting to maximize my investment returns while still having access to a chuck of my emergency fund, I am only investing four months of expense into T-Bills.

So, four months worked out into my head, as I used eight-week T-Bills for my Ladder.

Follow me here:

I split the four months into 4 one one-month expense balances. Then invested, each of the four one-month expense balances was invested into separate 8-week T-Bills.

Also, each T-Bill is separate from the others by two weeks.

This way, on my initial investment, I invested all four months with pre-ordered t-Bill purchases today. I’ve committed all four months. I still have two months of expenses completely liquid with me.

So even if I’m ‘fired’ today, I have my two months of monthly expenses immediately available. In 8 weeks, the first of the 4 T-Bills I bought matures. 

Followed by the remaining T-bills maturing in two-week intervals.

Oh, Why All The Hard Work To Use T-Bills?

Because Uncle Sam Approves!

Well, it’s not hard work, but there are a few more steps to buying T-Bills and setting up the Ladder than leaving money in HYSA.  

Even using my Money Market Mutual Fund, T. Rowe Price‘s TSCXX, is a few more steps than a HYSA, but easier than setting up a T-Bill Ladder.

With T-Bills, I get a higher return on my investment(Dec 2023 Info), which is the first answer.

SoFi’s HYSA(my savings account attached to my checking account) is 4.6%.

Source: https://www.sofi.com/banking/savings-account/

While TRowe Price’s TSCXX 7-Day SEC Yield is 5.23%.

Source: https://www.troweprice.com/personal-investing/tools/fund-research/TSCXX

Both pale in consideration to the 8-week T-Bill Yield, 5.4%.

Source: https://home.treasury.gov/resource-center/data-chart-center/interest-rates/TextView?type=daily_treasury_bill_rates&field_tdr_date_value=2023

Now, the TSCXX yield is very close to the 8-week T-Bill Yield, but remember, T-Bill interest returns are State and Local Tax Exampt. So, I get to keep more of my returns with the T-Bills than my money market mutual fund.

With more money kept, it means more money I can compound over time, which will mean more significant passive income growth with proper investments.


What Do You Think About My T-Bill Ladder Idea?

If you do something different or have feedback, please comment below.

Also, here are the steps I took to build this 8-week T-bill Ladder: How I Built An 8-Week T-Bill Ladder Emergency Fund.

Tom, Growing His Passive Income Generators.
Myself with an interesting Bull Sculpture.
Notice: No Lambo’s. :/
Hi I’m Tom, A Blogger And A PIG Farmer.

PIG Farmer as in I grow Passive Income Generators(PIG’s).

I’ve been playing with stocks, mutual funds, and options for decades, as well as always working on my side hustle stacks.

Unlike what you read online, I’ve yet to find a way to get rich quickly. Get Rich Quick isn’t happening for me.

My journey has been long and continues. I hope to have so many PIGs I can stop working at my current job and volunteer as a medical worker overseas. 

Still waiting, but getting there. I still am a family man, and while on this Journey of Growing PIGs.  

I wanted to share my adventures(ups and downs), hoping you will contribute with your feedback and comments.

Fun Fact: In my spare time, I am a Band-Dad!

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